Meet some of
our people.

Dave // Founder // ‘I have a vision for Koan I really believe in. That’s what gets me up every day, that and my two children climbing on my head.’

Melanie // Managing Director // ‘As a small business I get to oversee the direction of the business, but I also love getting my hands stuck in and helping out. After 8 years of working at Koan I have learnt so much about how E-commerce works. I find the customer journey and retail psychology so interesting and love that I get to learn something new everyday. I started out in Customer Service and that's very much where my heart lies. I have a fantastic team that I attribute our success to, they listen, feedback and we keep evolving. I am excited for the future ventures we have planned at Koan, both expanding our website and fulfillment offering, and growing our brand offering to our customers.’

Abigail // Digital E-commerce Manager // ‘I’m a compulsive online shopper, so after 7 years of working in E-commerce I’ve gotten to know the in’s and out’s of how to get the best customer experience on site and understand what really makes our customers tick. Getting to coordinate and support all the departments at Koan means I get to get involved in so many exciting parts of the business, from forecasting and new brand development, to SEO and copywriting.’

Zoe // Promotions & Marketing Executive // ‘I feel privileged to work for a company that is passionate about what they do. My role also means that I get to collaborate with amazing brands that I love. A great combination for a happy working life.’