
The experts in eCommerce
for hair, beauty & wellbeing brands.


Put very simply, we build your website, manage your customer orders, forecast your stock requirements, and fulfil your orders, along with providing customer service support. We put the technology, marketing and our know-how in place to grow your business. Send us the stock, we'll do the rest.

  • If you’re looking to...

    • Significantly increase sales

    • Get low upfront costs

    • Give a premium level of experience for my customers

    • Build a stunning, industry leading website

    • Remove the responsibility for warehousing and dispatch

    • Get a solution that works with your expansion plans and growth forecast

    • Receive guidance from experts

  • We offer...

    D2C build, management and operation

    Customer services

    Logistics, fulfilment & warehousing

    Stock forecasting & ordering

    Full eCommerce management

    Brand management on Amazon

    Tik Tok Shop Operation

Types of partners we work with

  • Brands & Distributors

    If you are a brand owner or have the rights to distribute a brand, but don’t have the time or skills in house to create, grow and market an awesome eCommerce experience, we could be an excellent partner for you.

  • Influencers

    If you have a strong social media presence that you know you could monetise, but don’t have the eCommerce infrastructure, eCommerce & technical knowledge or time, we could be an excellent partner for you. Let us do the eCommerce part leaving you to focus on what you do best.

  • Brands located outside the UK & EU

    Do you have a brand in the USA for example, that you want to access the UK or European market? We have a lot of experience importing stock from overseas and running the eCommerce business in the EU & UK on your behalf. Start up costs with us are very low, so get in contact with us and start delighting your overseas customers.

“Our vision is to enable all brands and influencers to be able to outsource their eCommerce in a cost effective, scalable way and of course using market leading technology.

It should be an obvious decision to let Koan manage your eCommerce instead of going on the journey alone. ”

Founder, Dave Telford